File Name : org.thoughtcrime.securesms.147900.apk
App Version : 7.22.2
Install Size : 104MB
Version Date : 2024-10-29
Uploaded : 2024-11-08
MD5 :
Sha1 : PLDOEhAD-sPmzN0gQtRNzLxJ2Jk
Chat folders let you organize your organizations, group your groups, and individualize your individuals into unique folders that are easy to customize and rearrange. Set up folders to quickly display unread messages from your favorite people, filter by chat type (1-on-1 and groups), or create separate folders like "Personal" and "Work" so you can clock what's happening right after you clock out.

Try chat folders today in Settings > Chats or simply long-press on any chat in the chat list.