efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time

efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time 7.6.07-40

Public Transit Information System
efoBus 2.0 is a most comprehensive information system that provides real-time public transport information in your area, and enables future trip planning to be made.

Currently , the only supported area is Israel.

The Mobile App, nor the Wear OS app, do not provide any information for any other region in the world.See more
efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time screenshots
efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time screenshots
efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time screenshots
efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time screenshots
efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time screenshots
efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time screenshots
efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time screenshots
efoBus 2.0 - Transit on time screenshots
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