Pick Your Plate!

Pick Your Plate! 1.5

Learn about building healthy meals with the Smithsonian!
Travel around the world with Plato to learn about building healthy meals. Eat avocado toast in Australia, baobab fruit in Benin, and sautéed reindeer in Finland! Yum! Pick your favorite plates for morning, midday, and evening meals. Be sure to meet your daily nutritional needs while not going over your budget!

Pick Your Plate! A Global Guide to Nutrition is an educational nutrition game that …See more
Pick Your Plate! screenshots
Pick Your Plate! screenshots
Pick Your Plate! screenshots
Pick Your Plate! screenshots
Pick Your Plate! screenshots
Pick Your Plate! screenshots
Pick Your Plate! screenshots
Pick Your Plate! screenshots
Pick Your Plate! screenshots
Pick Your Plate! screenshots
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