In the Year 2049, the earth’s central government is an AI computer named Zero. Zero created self-driven cars, robot servants, and all the things to make life easier. Despite having everything, people had missed building things with their hands. A group of like-minded people gathered and started restoring old vehicles. The only thing that kept their restored vehicles from getting on the road is …See more
Please be aware that APK20 only share the original and free apk version for Rice Burner without any modifications.
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Rice Burner Last Versions
Rice Burnerv0.8.5.3f1 2024-11-09
Rice Burnerv0.8.5.2f5 2024-11-02
Rice Burnerv0.8.5.2f2 2024-10-28
Rice Burnerv0.8.5.2f1 2024-10-27
Rice Burnerv0.8.5.0f1 2024-10-17
Rice Burnerv0.8.4.9f2 2024-10-16
Rice Burnerv0.8.4.8f2 2024-10-13
Rice Burnerv0.8.4.8f1 2024-10-10
Rice Burnerv0.8.4.6f2 2024-10-07
Rice Burnerv0.8.4.6f1 2024-10-06