Sense Home

Sense Home 53.0

Monitor your electric use to save money, see what's running, and avoid disaster.
Free House & Home Android App by
File Name : com.sense.androidclient.3359.apk
App Version : 53.0
Install Size : 43MB
Version Date : 2023-12-08
Uploaded : 2024-02-02
MD5 :
Sha1 : 3oaZdeNClH5WoaY-6b1mrSB0HOI
• Introducing Watt Check, a new feature on the dashboard that allows you to measure the wattage used by lights in your home and find opportunities to save
• Reorganized Devices views, putting the most important details at the top of the page for easy reference
• Intuitive controls for integrated devices such as smart plugs and lights
• Updated new user experience to gather information that will enhance device detection for the first couple of weeks
• Behind-the-scenes bug fixes and improvements
Sense Home Last Versions
Sense Homev2024.4-2 2024-05-15
Sense Homev2024.4-1 2024-05-08
Sense Homev2024.4 2024-04-30
Sense Homev2024.3 2024-04-12
Sense Homev2024.2 2024-04-01
Sense Homev2024.1.1 2024-03-19
Sense Homev2024.1 2024-03-15
Sense Homev54.1 2024-02-08
Sense Homev54.0 2024-02-06
Sense Homev53.0 2023-12-08