Epic Heroes

Epic Heroes 1.0.93

Connect all the balls so that the lines do not cross!
Free Casual Android Game by
File Name : com.mob.crowd.arena.wars.93.apk
App Version : 1.0.93
Install Size : 655MB
Version Date : 2024-09-11
Uploaded : 2024-09-20
MD5 :
Sha1 : nPcjqSbF7kPuCwreDkmW5vUSn1w
Update Details

Marina Heartsea's Arrival
September 20 - September 26
New Nature Hero — Marina Heartsea has arrived! The drop rate of Marina Heartsea is doubled during the event!

Cute Pet Party
September 20 - September 26

Other Updates
New X-War Chapters: 51-54
Battle replay now supports 4x and 8x playback speeds.
New Heroes in Star Tech: Sacred Fistmaster, Morning Star, Hammer of Destruction, Incinerus, and Collapse
Epic Heroes Last Versions
Epic Heroesv1.0.93 2024-09-11
Epic Heroesv1.0.78 2024-05-08
Epic Heroesv1.0.77 2024-04-29
Epic Heroesv1.0.76 2024-04-23
Epic Heroesv1.0.75 2024-04-09
Epic Heroesv1.0.73 2024-03-26
Epic Heroesv1.0.72 2024-03-20
Epic Heroesv1.0.71 2024-03-13
Epic Heroesv1.0.70 2024-02-27
Epic Heroesv1.0.68 2024-01-30