File Name :
App Version : 1.30.16
Install Size : 26MB
Version Date : 2024-12-19
Uploaded : 2025-02-15
MD5 :
Sha1 : A6vs9j2we5tSCmN8ICMLjLi9A-s
Patch 1.30.16:
- Added Christmas decorations

Patch 1.30.15:
- Added 'Supplies Packs', free supplies given on special occasions like holidays

Patch 1.30.14:
- Added XP Potions and Skill XP Potions
- Added a small glow effect for most items on the ground
- Changed speed formula to 300 + level / 2.5
- Increased scrolls stack to 20
- Increased the capacity of starter bags/backpacks
- This patch is part of update 1.31