Rule the Sky

Rule the Sky 7.006

Rule your own floating island in the sky!
Free Simulation Android Game by
File Name : com.joycity.RuleTheSky.7006.apk
App Version : 7.006
Install Size : 76MB
Version Date : 2024-12-19
Uploaded : 2024-12-25
MD5 :
Sha1 : kzGN3Wu-hv1Ds7Bm9qghRn2w-rs
- Improved touch speed for harvesting products
- Adjusted the size of the fruit image in the card game field
- Reduced the time for the star shower effect to play
- Improved the operation error and button location of the minigame usage confirmation pop-up that completes immediately
- Fixed the occurrence of notifications related to completing the season pass mission
Rule the Sky Last Versions
Rule the Skyv7.011 2025-02-11
Rule the Skyv7.010 2025-01-15
Rule the Skyv7.007 2024-12-24
Rule the Skyv7.006 2024-12-19
Rule the Skyv7.005 2024-12-18
Rule the Skyv7.004 2024-12-16
Rule the Skyv7.002 2024-12-13
Rule the Skyv7.003 2024-12-13
Rule the Skyv7.000 2024-12-05
Rule the Skyv6.210 2021-07-28