File Name : com.conceptispuzzles.dotapix.191.apk
App Version : 1.9.1
Install Size : 20MB
Version Date : 2024-02-02
Uploaded : 2024-08-13
MD5 :
Sha1 : LzgkLc5TUqpdnExdWAZTBHVfYeo
This major update introduces new architecture, features and improvements:

• Puzzle packs are now split into Library, showing free and purchased puzzle packs, and Shop, showing puzzle packs you can buy
• Filtering by variant, size, and price
• Improved sorting options
• Previous/next navigation when completing a puzzle
• Wishlist
• Archiving in the Library section
• Automatic restoring purchases when re-installing the app
• Automatic puzzle pack list refreshing in the Shop section