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Barnes & Noble NOOK Last Versions
Barnes & Noble NOOKv6.7.2.20 2024-12-27
Barnes & Noble NOOKv6.7.2.18 2024-11-27
Barnes & Noble NOOKv6.7.2.15 2024-10-28
Barnes & Noble NOOKv6.7.0.27 2024-08-28
Barnes & Noble NOOKv6.6.6.12 2024-05-06
Barnes & Noble NOOKv6.6.4.11 2024-01-23
Barnes & Noble NOOKv6.6.2.14 2023-10-03
Barnes & Noble NOOKv6.6.0.16 2023-08-16
Barnes & Noble NOOKv6.5.1.29 2023-06-05
Barnes & Noble NOOKv6.5.1.28 2023-05-16